Often when tapping blind holes, chips pack in the bottom of the hole. This easy to make tool quickly removes them. You need 1-Panhead screw with the threads turned down (alternatively, a short screw with a length of rod can be substituted), 1-wood deck screw with the head diameter reduced, and a 1/2″ aluminum rod (knurl optional). Drilled thru the aluminum rod to allow the deck screw’s shank to just pass thru. Next, counter drill to accept deck screw’s head, to a depth 1/4″ short of going thru. Next, it is tapped for panhead screw’s thread. Insert the deck screw, install, and tighten the panhead screw.  Different deck screws can be swapped if needed for cleaning smaller blind holes.

Tom Nichols
Automotive Machine & Supply, Inc
Joshua, TX 
FEB, 2023