FALSE SEAT I.D. When trying to determine if an iron head has a false seat ring in, we have found the fastest method is to mag-check the head. If it has a false seat in it, you will know instantly. Adney Brown Performance Crankshaft Ferndale, MI MAY,2022
USE THOSE HOLES Most people use just the outer two bolt holes when fastening a cylinder head to a mounting fixture. If there are additional holes in the plate that line up with the threads in the fixture, then consider using the extra threads for increased rigidity. ...
DOORSTOP DAMPER When cutting valve margins down, we use this simple rubber doorstop as a damper to help reduce chatter as we cut the face. We keep various size guides, and washers with it to clamp the valve in the lathe. Using the tail stock, you can press the valve...
SET-UP STEMS When checking in heads, it's nice to just use “Set-up Stems” instead of having a box of miscellaneous valves for testing. They can at least tell you if the valve guides are useable or worn. I have the common sizes, the ones I use a lot and plan to add...
CYLINDER HEAD PORTING TIP When doing port work and rolling the short turn radius, sometimes it’s difficult to get in there and get a good angle with the burr or sanding roll. I use a tapered cone type cartridge roll, but I flip it backwards on the mandrel. This will...
SPARKPLUG BOOT MELTDOWN When working with extreme cylinder head overheating issues, the spark plug boots can melt onto the spark plug, thus making it impossible to remove the plug. The best solution we have found is to remove the electrode at the combustion chamber...