PINS TO STANDOFFS It’s common for shops to use DOM (Drawn Over Mandrel) tubing to make standoffs they need to torque plate hone different engines. For a while there was a materials shortage, but that didn't mean there wasn't some old .927’ wristpins over in the scrap...
SHARPENER If you have one of these style sharpeners, we have found the rest and stop can be adjusted to sharpen your drill bits on the appropriate angle, for a sharp tip every time. Adam Cofer Don Ott Racing Engines York Springs, PA NOVEMBER, 2021
T-SLOT BRIDGE Occasionally, when clamping an odd-shaped part like a cylinder head or small engine block on our Bridgeport mill, the mill table's T-slots are not always spaced for convenient clamping. To make the job easier and faster, we machined a pair of steel...
ALIGNMENT DOWELS Every couple of months I repair a transmission ear. The people install the transmissions out of alignment and attempt to pull them in using the mounting bolts. Part of my repair includes donating a couple simple alignment pins fabricated from bolts to...
CALIPER STAND When I check deck height the caliper pads can be hard to hold in the correct spot. I use the appropriate parallel to rest the caliper on, making the measuring process much easier. Randy Torvinen Torvinen's Machine Menahga, MN OCTOBER, 2021
CHAMFER REMOVAL Shallow head fasteners like flywheel bolts can be a challenge to remove without rounding the head off. I place a socket in my metal lathe and face it flat to eliminate the chamfer. I get full contact with the fastener and fewer stripped heads. Dave...