EXPANDING PLUGS When I find the need for a little more press on a cup expansion plug I use a modified spring retainer with a taper to lightly expand them in the press. Randy Torvinen Torvinen’s Machine Manahga, MN April, 2020

EXPANDING PLUGS When I find the need for a little more press on a cup expansion plug I use a modified spring retainer with a taper to lightly expand them in the press. Randy Torvinen Torvinen’s Machine Manahga, MN April, 2020
HEAD INSTALLATION STUDS Here's an easy way to put the head gasket and cylinder head on a engine. Simply cut off the heads of 2 head bolts to make some Guide Studs. Now screw them into the block and set the head gasket on. Then install the head and install some head...
EASY CAM CHANGE I had need to change out the cam in a new build 351W. I used sixteen 1/2” longer 5/16” rocker arm bolts and left the lifters and pushrods in place. I rolled the engine upside down and turned the cam around once. I pulled the cam out with the engine...
NOT JUST FOR SHAVING Many cylinder heads have corrosion in the water jackets that can’t all be blasted or blown out. Marine engines can be the worst. When assembling an engine, to make sure you don’t accidentally drop any loose scale in the bores, simply pump shaving...
"CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS" You would not think of warrantying a newly rebuilt engine if the customer bolted on a dirty oil pan, crusty pick up screen, old sludge filled valve covers or even a Chevy intake manifold the was losing carbon out of the heat shield,...
FUEL LINE CRACKS When rebuilding large diesel engines like Caterpillars with high pressure fuel lines running along the blocks or heads, make sure to install all of the factory line clamps and hold downs back in the factory location. They are designed to hold these...