by Donnie Hurt | May 1, 2024 | TOOLING
PAIR OF GLASS PLIERS If you have trouble with flat-band spring-type hose clamps, try using a pair of glass pliers. The jaws are so wide that they hold any hose clamp very securely. They make it easy to compress the clamp for removal, installation, or repositioning....
by Donnie Hurt | Apr 1, 2024 | DISASSEMBLY & CLEANING
T-TAPS I have some pipe taps with a T-handle welded on we keep in the cleaning department. It’s easy to clean the rust or sealer from oil galleys and block drains. You cannot make the holes deeper with these, and they don’t walk away with the T-handle on...
by Donnie Hurt | Apr 1, 2024 | GASKETS & SEALING
COAT-IT HANGER If you coat head gaskets with copper coat spray, using a clothes hanger as a support is a convenient way to keep the spray off of your hands and to keep your gasket from sticking to another surface. Adam Cofer Don Ott Racing Engines York Springs, PA...
by Donnie Hurt | Apr 1, 2024 | DISASSEMBLY & CLEANING
LOAD BLOCKS WITH EASE I have an older thermal cleaning system by Peterson. The shot blaster is designed more for cylinder heads than blocks as it is a side loading machine. To wrestle blocks into the machine was not reasonable so I came up with this simple solution to...
by Donnie Hurt | Apr 1, 2024 | PISTONS & RINGS
LS PISTON PIN SIZE Stock GM LS full floating connecting rods use a .943″ pin and stock LS press rods use a .945″ pin. Some aftermarket forged pistons designed to use a stock LS 6.098″ length rods come with the .945″ pin type. Pistons can be...