by Donnie Hurt | Dec 1, 2023 | BLOCK WORK
LINE HONE QUICK CHANGE On my line honing machine, I machined the threaded hold down rods for 3/8” cap screws. This makes adjusting them much faster, using a cordless drill. Just machine the face flat, and drill and tap on the lathe. Super time saver when switching...
by Donnie Hurt | Dec 1, 2023 | OTHER SHOP WORK
SWEETER THAN HONEY We can all relate to trying to remove a nut that is well bonded to a stud. You have heated the nut to glowing red hot and it will move, but it is snapping, and you know you’re going to break the stud. What do you use for penetrating oil? Oils just...
by Donnie Hurt | Dec 1, 2023 | DISASSEMBLY & CLEANING
TIME AND BACK SAVER In these times we all know the older we get the smarter we need to work, plus take care of our backs. I designed a simple lifting hook to move engine blocks with, plus it works well to grab the turn table of the jet washer for easy removal access...
by Donnie Hurt | Dec 1, 2023 | CYLINDER HEADS
SURFACING QUICK CHANGE I have made a quick-change for going between surfacing aluminum and cast iron heads. For aluminum heads I use a PCD plate and 750 tr/min on an arm with 2-strong bolts with guiding in a stone head. For steel I use grinding stones and 1800tr/min...
by Donnie Hurt | Dec 1, 2023 | TOOLING
CLEANING 3-JAW CHUCKS This is a quick & easy way to clean 3-jaw crankshaft grinder and lathe chuck scrolls. – Make a stubby chuck key driver for use in a cordless drill; quickly remove the jaws. – Insert a toothbrush in one of the jaw slots, then run...